CERN Logo     Welcome to bat42-security


Dear users, here you can find some usefull information for your safety.

You shall evacuate using the shortest evacuation paths: Jura side or Parking side (click on your corresponding floor).
The Emergency guides will intervene if the evacuation sirens are triggered in order to help and guide people during the evacuation.

You'll find their names below:

Jura side 3  Stefan SCHLENKER (Deputy TSO)-------      Parking side 3  Rachel Bray, 42/3-031--Natasha Lavy-Upsdale, 42/3-037--Stephanie Molinari, 42/3-029

Jura side 2----------------------------------------------------      Parking side 2  Maryvonne Maniacky, 42/2-025--Hanife Olgunsoy, 42/2-020

Jura side 1----------------------------------------------------      Parking side 1  Nicoletta Barzaghini, 42/1-017--Marika Flygar, 42/1-024--Claudia Passeri, 42/1-027--Christelle Vuitton, 42/1-013

Jura side R----------------------------------------------------      Parking side R  Odile Martin, 42/R-015--Vedrana Zorica, 42/R-025

You can have a first idea of what is an "Emergency Guide" in french for the moment

If something doesn't work or is broken you can call the service desk at 77777

In order to call the CERN Fire Brigade (danger, fire, casualty ...), dial the 74444 or break a dedicated box on the wall


You can find the document of the course here:Course

Dominique Gigi TSO  (